Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some of my favorite pictures..

Some of the pictures that I have taken... Some new, some old.  Enjoy!

 My little brother Sam clowning around.

Katy Heritage Park

Retro Heat

Utopia is soooo close...

This one looks really nice in print form.

If you don't know what the Greaybeard is, don't worry about it.... Kinda like Fight Club.

 I apparently can't bring dead deer back to life.

MC and my little sis Shan.

A tree shadowing the sunset at Lake Somerville. 

This one of Amanda turned out great. It was her birthday, that's cake icing on her face. 

West TX in all its glory.

Sam's second appearance in this set; that luck mofo.

 New York, New York. It is truly a hellava town!

 Taken on a camera phone at the right instant.

 On my 24th birthday in 2010 I went skydiving!

Coolest snowman I've ever laid eyes on.

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